Benefits of keeping hydrated!

Drinking enough water every day not only makes your skin look wonderful it is crucial for many other reasons: keeping hydrated regulates your body temperature, it keeps your joints lubricated, helps to prevent infections, keeps your organs functioning properly leading to better detoxification through the body and also helps your body to deliver nutrients to cells.  Did you know that it also improves your sleep quality, cognition and mood!

A fun fact for you, if you sat in a chair and did absolutely nothing except just breathing you would lose around 750ml of water (this fact has always amazed me) imagine how much water our bodies could lose in a day during our ever increasing busy schedules!  It’s the reason why it is so important to keep filling your water bottles full of the good stuff.

So what’s enough water?  How much should you be drinking in a day?  I would aim for 1.5-2 litres per day.  If you are drinking nowhere near those amounts at the moment, aim to drink one more glass than yesterday and build from there.  A great excuse to buy yourself a new fancy water bottle and keep it filled and carry it around with you wherever you go. 

Once you really start to hydrate your body properly and take it seriously, you will notice  some or all of the following changes just by simply taking on more water!:-

Noticeable improvement to your memory, concentration and energy levels.

Improved moods and it can even help combat feelings of anxiety.  

You may start to wake up feeling like you have had a fabulous nights sleep.

You will feel less bloated and notice that there are improvements with your digestive system. 

You may lose weight - (I am always telling my clients how important it is to drink lots of water to aid weight loss.)

You may notice joint pain eases.

You may have fewer headaches.

Better heart health.

Clearer skin, stronger hair and nails.

Hope this has motivated you to go and fill up your water bottles!


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