Don't Wait Until January: Take Control of Your Nutrition and Health Now!
As the year comes to a close, it's not uncommon for many people to start thinking about their New Year's resolutions, with "getting healthy" and "losing weight" topping the list. While setting goals for self-improvement is a positive endeavor, waiting until January to take control of your nutrition and health might not be the best approach. In this blog, I'll explore all the reasons why you shouldn't delay your journey to a healthier you and why starting now is most definitely the way to go.
Avoid the Holiday Weight Gain - You know the period between Christmas and New Year is often the most indulgent time for meals and treats. If you start to look at your nutrition and short term goals now, you can better manage your eating over the Christmas period and mitigate the need for extreme post-festive season drastic diets which are never enjoyable or sustainable!! Afterall eating well and moving your body should be for life so why would we not want to keep it going through December to some extent so we don’t feel shattered, wrecked, bloated not to mention ill in January?
Establish Healthy Habits - Developing and maintaining healthy habits takes time. By starting early, you can begin to build upon more positive habits gradually, making them more likely to stick to in the long term. Waiting until January might lead to a rushed, short-term approach to health and fitness that’s harder to maintain eg Juice diets, drastically reducing calories, and excessive behaviour leading to disordered eating.
You will Beat The Crowds - Gyms and fitness classes are often overcrowded with ‘the January People’ panicking about the damage they have done and eager to fulfill their New Year’s resolutions. By committing to getting healthier now, you beat the rush, get familiar with your chosen workout routine, and establish a comfortable fitness schedule before the crowds join you!
Be Realistic - When you start early, you have an opportunity to think about your short and long-term goals whilst making sure they are realistic and attainable. Rushing into a fitness programme in January can lead to unrealistic expectations and throwing the towel in when you fall off the wagon because you are impatient when the results don’t happen straight away. Does this one sound familiar to you?
Improve Your Immune System - With the cold and flu season in full swing in the winter months, taking control of your nutrition and health sooner rather than later will help you boost your immune system. Eating a balanced diet, keeping active, and letting your body have adequate rest can protect your body against illnesses.
Mental Health Benefits - Physical health and mental health are closely linked. Taking control of your nutrition and fitness early can have a positive impact on your mental well-being. We all know exercise releases endorphins the happy hormones, which can help reduce stress and improve your mood!
Be Consistent - Consistency is crucial when it comes to health and nutrition. Start now and you can build a steady routine that is more likely to endure throughout the year. Abs are built in the winter, look ahead and think about how much stronger and more confident you will feel next summer having put in the effort and consistency.
Fill Your Plate with Colour - Different seasons offer a variety of fresh and locally sourced fruits and veggies, the more variety the better for your health. Why not take full advantage of seasonal produce and enjoy making hearty winter stews and casseroles - a great way to batch cook also and these meals go a lot further saving you money and time!
Avoid the ALL-OR-NOTHING approach - This approach to health and fitness is so common in January, notice how people start panicking? You don’t have to give up alcohol and treats in January you just have to be more sensible in your approach. You may decide that treats are just for the weekend or you will only drink when you go out, either way you do not need to go to extremes as this most definitely promotes disordered eating and drinking.
Make Your Health a Priority - Don’t wait, you are more important than that. Waiting until January implies that your health isn’t a year-round priority and it really should be! Start today and make a daily commitment to yourself to keep showing up. It is so sad that we only really start worrying about our health when we haven’t got it!
So are you starting TODAY? If you are GO GET IT!
If you need help with starting, I have taken on a few 1-1 clients over the last couple of weeks and it is exciting to see what they are achieving already, it’s amazing what a bit of focus, accountability and extra support can do for you and your health!